
Assessment of within-country religious and linguistic diversity (Dow)

Measures of within-country diversity (religion and language) Data on the measures of within-country religious and linguistic diversity for 120 countries. The dataset is a tibble containing 120 observations across 3 variables: country_code: character string indicating the country (ISO3 code). religious_diversity: Numeric. As reported in the article “The Effects of Within-Country Linguistic and Religious Diversity on Foreign Acquisitions” (JIBS, April 2016, v47-3: 319-346) two measures of within-country diversity were created using essentially the same data as was used to create the linguistic distance and religious distance scales (see documentation on psychic distance stimuli).

Major languages by country (Dow)

Major languages by country Data about the most widely spoken languages in 151 countries uploaded by Douglas Dow on his website). The dataset contains 924 observations across 25 variables for the years 1995, 2005, 2015: country_name: character string indicating the full name of the country. country_code: character string indicating the country (ISO3 code). year: integer indicating the year of the data (data is available for three different years: 1995, 2005 or 2015).

Psychic Distance Stimuli (Dow & Karunaratna, 2006)

Psychic distance stimuli (Dow & Karunaratna, 2006) The psychic distance stimuli were developed by Dow and Karunaratna for their study originally presented at the Academy of International Business meeting of 2004 and subsequently published in the Journal of International Business Studies in 2006. While the most widespread definition of psychic distance is “factors preventing or disturbing the flows of information between firm and market. Examples of such factors are differences in language, culture, political systems, level of education, level of industrial development, etc.