Administrative distance

Administrative distance

Administrative distances between home and host countries calculated using the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) by the World Bank. This dataset contains 786 173 observations across 16 variables:

  • ID_o: character string indicating the home country (origin) and the year.

  • ID_d: character string indicating the host country (destination) and the year.

  • ID: character string indicating the countries forming each country pair (ISO3 code) and the year.

  • year: integer indicating the year.

  • country_pair: character string indicating the country pair (ISO3 code).

  • origin: character string indicating the first country (ISO3 code) of the country pair.

  • destination: character string indicating the second country (ISO3 code) of the country pair.

  • diffr_control_of_corruption: Numeric. Difference in the score the World Bank granted the origin country and the destination country for each year on the indicator Control of Corruption.

  • diffr_government_effectiveness: Numeric. Difference in the score the World Bank granted the origin country and the destination country for each year on the indicator Government Effectiveness.

  • diffr_rule_of_law. Numeric: Difference in the score the World Bank granted the origin country and the destination country for each year on the indicator Rule of Law.

  • diffr_political_stability_and_absence_of_violence_terrorism: Numeric. Difference in the score the World Bank granted the origin country and the destination country for each year on the indicator Political Stability and Absence of Violence and Terrorism.

  • diffr_regulatory_quality: Numeric. Difference in the score the World Bank granted the origin country and the destination country for each year on the indicator Regulatory Quality.

  • diffr_voice_and_accountability: Numeric. Difference in the score the World Bank granted the origin country and the destination country for each year on the indicator Voice and Accountability.

  • average_WGI_o: Numeric. Average of the six WGI scores for the home (origin) country.

  • average_WGI_d: Numeric. Average of the six WGI scores for the host (destination) country.

  • AdminDist_diffr_WGI: Numeric. Administrative distance as the difference (origin - destination) in the average of the scores obtained on the six following Worldwide Governance Indicators.


