Political rights and Civil Liberties assessment (Freedom House)

Political Rights and Civil Liberties (Freedom House) Data on political rights for 196 countries between 1972 and 2016. The dataset is a tibble containing 8391 observations across 6 variables: country_name: character string indicating the country name. country_code: character string indicating the country code (ISO3). year: integer indicating the year. ID: character string indicating the country code (ISO3 code) and the year. FH_Political_Rights: numeric variable “measured on a one-to-seven scale, with one representing the highest degree of Freedom and seven the lowest.

Psychic Distance scores (Hakanson & Ambos, 2010)

Psychic distance (Hakanson and Ambos, 2010) Data on psychic distance aggregated at the country level for 625 country pairs (25 home countries and 25 host countries). The dataset contains 625 observations across 4 variables: country_pair: character string uniting the origin and the destination. origin: character string indicating the first country (ISO3 code) of the country pair. destination: character string indicating the second country (ISO3 code) of the country pair.

Psychic Distance Stimuli (Dow & Karunaratna, 2006)

Psychic distance stimuli (Dow & Karunaratna, 2006) The psychic distance stimuli were developed by Dow and Karunaratna for their study originally presented at the Academy of International Business meeting of 2004 and subsequently published in the Journal of International Business Studies in 2006. While the most widespread definition of psychic distance is “factors preventing or disturbing the flows of information between firm and market. Examples of such factors are differences in language, culture, political systems, level of education, level of industrial development, etc.

The Good Country Index

The Good Country Index Data from The Good Country Index: “The idea of the Good Country Index is simple: to measure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away, relative to its size. Using a wide range of data from the U.N. and other international organisations, we’ve given each country a balance-sheet to show at a glance whether it’s a net creditor to mankind, a burden on the planet, or something in between.

World Happiness Report

World Happiness Report Data from the World Happiness Report on 164 countries from 2005 to 2019 (for the variable most_people_can_be_trusted: 1981-1984 and 1989-2014). The dataset contains 2577 observations across 22 variables: country_name: character string indicating the full name of the country. country_code: character string indicating the code of the country (ISO3 code). year: integer indicating the year. ID: character string indicating the country pair (ISO3 code) and the year.

World Happiness Report

World Happiness Report Data from the World Happiness Report on 164 countries from 2005 to 2019 (for the variable most_people_can_be_trusted: 1981-1984 and 1989-2014). The dataset contains 2577 observations across 22 variables: country_name: character string indicating the full name of the country. country_code: character string indicating the code of the country (ISO3 code). year: integer indicating the year. ID: character string indicating the country pair (ISO3 code) and the year.

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI)

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Data about the Worldwide Governance Indicators in 214 countries from 1996 to 2019 (no data available for 1997, 1999 and 2001). The dataset is a tibble containing 4494 observations across 9 variables: ID: a character string indicating the code of the country (ISO3) and the year. country_code: a character string indicating the country (ISO3) code. year: an integer indicating the year.

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI)

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Data about the Worldwide Governance Indicators in 214 countries from 1996 to 2019 (no data available for 1997, 1999 and 2001). The dataset is a tibble containing 4494 observations across 9 variables: ID: a character string indicating the code of the country (ISO3) and the year. country_code: a character string indicating the country (ISO3) code. year: an integer indicating the year.

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How to install and use Mendeley?

What is Mendeley? Why should you give Mendeley a try? How to install Mendeley on your laptop? Alternatives to Mendeley How to use Mendeley